In 4th of December we went On the Air in the National Tv. The Show is called 5 to mid night because it is presented by five different Hosts, if you want to see us in the big screen click «HERE» (go to minute 41,20).
The main objective was presenting the VIRGOwine concept and to share are newst project The Master Piece VIRGO, that consists in the personalization of VIRGO Red bottles by the hand of a professional Ilustrator that paints in the label everything you wish for, watch it «HERE» It’s Crazy isn’t it??? And together with the production of this show we created five different bottles with the faces of the five different Hosts. These bottles are for sale in a public auction that reverts in favor of Charity Institution called Associação de Idosos de Guadalupe, so if you want to help this association run for the bottles, «HERE»